Myanmar art

Myanmar  Art provides a process based art lessons. That naturally enables children to be creative in various ways . The more senses a student uses to learn. The faster the brain deconstructs and reconstructs the information. Myanmar art is an Art enrichment program. Incorporating Multiple Intelligence based learning style, focusing on Creativity, Self-Expression & Originality. "Create not Conform" MI Arts should be an integral part of every early childhood program.

This is because we are using the Multiple Intelligence based learning style. In general, Art experiences in preschool not only contribute to children's artistic and creative development but also to a wide range of skills. In other areas, including language, cognitive, perceptual, and also social skills. Therefore in our Myanmar art sessions, we endeavor to introduce as many combinations of art elements into our playful learning and also exploitative art sessions.

Children will be exposed to different painting Medias e.g. color pencils, crayons, tempura paints, acrylic, watercolor etc. Using different tools e.g. various types of papers, thread, leaves, fruits, vegetable, recyclables, literally. All things they can get a hold of, to create shapes, textures, layers, compositions, etc. Taking an exploitative mode through the 3 years of their lives in our MI Arts Enrichment Program. Should give them a platform to create, without inhibition, throughout their lives. As we are helping them set this foundation in its rightful place.

- Creativity
- Self Expression
- Originality
Create Not Conform
How Are We Different?
We are almost 90% process based.
What Does This Mean?
➤ Children decide how and what they do.
➤ Receive basic instruction.
➤ Are urged to explore.
➤ Creativity flows through.
No right and wrong in art.